So after a few trips to Garland so the fiance could get herself a new whip (yeah I am that hood, I called it a whip), we finally got the opportunity to sit down and watch some Dexter! I can't believe there are only 2 more episodes this season! I guess since this is the first season I have watched along with the everyone else instead of on DVD or BluRay, the end has officially snuck up on me.
Part of me thinks we are seeing the end of Dexter, another part of me feels like we may be building up to a finale that is just as epic as last season's finale. For those who aren't up to date with Season 5.... STOP READING.
During the show this week I found myself with many different feelings going on. Part of me thought this episode was one of the best put out by these writers and directors since I started watching. It definitely ranked up there with a few of the Trinity episodes. As of this moment here, nothing can touch the finale of Season 4 but if these writers bring it... it could be topped. Anyways back to my different emotions... I was stressed, confused, a little annoyed, and even frustrated with this episode. The substories and plot lines are too much it seems. Jordan Chase, Lumen, this new chick connected to the rapist, Liddy and on and on just make me think there is no way Dex gets out of this alive or in prison. But then again, how many times have we thought "there's no way Dex gets out of this". Part of me thinks the lack of announcement of a Season 6 is adding to my frustration. I won't even touch on my feelings about Lumen and Dex getting naked... I need to feel out their response next week before I pass judgment.
As you see the title is "Dexter and More", this is the more part....
I realized last night that Dex ends in two weeks... Breaking Bad doesn't come on for 3 or 4 months... There I call for help... I need TV to watch once this show ends.
Media Hero Fandom HELP ME HELP YOU. I need something to watch and talk about, you can tell what my taste in TV are based on this blog here right? HELP A HERO OUT! Comment with shows and I will at least give them ONE episode and talk about it!
I feel the same about Dex! There is so much going on that I am hyperventilating the whole time. I have NO idea what can possibly happen! AAAAAH!!!
As for new shows, I have been told that Mad Men is the best ever... I am skeptical but it's something to think about. Good luck filling your 4 months!
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