
Lone Star Canned Already?

If you can't tell from the few posts I have posted here on Media Hero, I am not really into many shows that show up on your network stations. Lie to Me is a decent show but the lack of a real running story kills me, I am a fan of the dramatic story lines that carry on from week to week like that of Breaking Bad or Dexter. Every week you are left waiting for the next weeks episode to start. Most shows on network television don't do that for me, and the ones that try I just do not get into (Lost, 24). Every new television season I ask for input from my 'media friends' on new shows that they are hearing about and then I check them out if they sound interesting to me. A guy I work with suggested I check out Lonestar, a show about a Texas con-man, that is shot right here in Dallas and all over the state. So, I set the DVR, and I decided late Saturday to get the pilot out of the way before I set the rest of the season up to record.

This show was amazing. The pilot did exactly what a good episode of Dexter or BB would do, it left me waiting for Monday night's episode 2. Bob Allen, a conman who specializes in ripping people off with oil drilling leases and mineral right contracts, leads two lives with two women and two different yet similar money making schemes. He is married to one women in Houston and by the end of episode one is running off to Vegas to marry a lady from Midland. The plot twists and turns are all centered around his father in law's, played by the great Jon Voight, oil company "Thatcher Inc." and Bob's response to a job he is offered there. Long story short, he is going to try to rip off one of the largest oil companies in Texas. The first two episodes remind me of how I felt after two episodes of Breaking Bad. I still had no real clue of what was going on but I definitely wanted to keep watching to see what would happen.

Then the hammer came down yesterday, Fox has officially canceled 'Lone Star". Fox made the mistake of putting a first season show up against the powerful Monday night line up. In my opinion, they also dropped the ball on the advertising of this show. The only reason I knew about it was because of a friend telling me. They need to take hint from the people over at AMC and get the word out. AMC visually raped people's faces with their new show Rubicon. Every commercial break it was Rubicon and the Shake Weight. While Rubicon is a decent show that fills my time when nothing else is on, it is not the powerful show AMC is used to running out there like BB or Mad Men. It still got ratings though.

My hope for 'Lone Star' is that we aren't done seeing it, I hope the producers reorganize and pitch the idea to a cable network and we see it come back on TNT or AMC or anywhere. The show had potential to have a few good seasons, because lets be honest eventually the story would crash and burn because you can only do so much to keep the two lives separate.

My pick for next show dead is "No Ordinary Family" or whatever it is called, that just looks dumb and I don't think that the star power of Rita and the dude from 'The Shield' can save that crap idea for a show.


Coming Soon....

So, this time of year for the average guy is all about football, beer and brats. This guy is more than excited about the Cowboys, fantasy football and tailgating but I am more excited about five huge movie debuts, new series debuts and even a video game or two. Its gonna be a great fall season!

1. Dexter Season 5
So after the speed dating version of season 4, I was not happy that I had to wait 4 months to see how the life changing event left our friend. My speed dating attack of Dexter Season 4 was a 2 week nightly binged with Caty so I could finally be all caught up. Once the finale hit and Caty quit crying, we both wanted to jump straight into season 5 and see what happened. Dexter is going to a completely different character this upcoming season. Dealing with being a single father, a serial killer, and dealing with the fact that he caused the most traumatic event of his children life. My gut tells me that this season is it for the loveable Dexter. I just do not see how he can get himself out of this mess. We have seen him weasel his way out some complex situations but nothing like this! Dexter is the serial killer we love to support, kinda like the drug dealing badass that is Walt on Breaking Bad. To borrow an overused and misinterpreted saying of my high school students... this season is going to be uber epic.

2. Call of Duty - Black Ops

I know I am almost 30 and all that but I still love me some video games. It's strange but its like an amazing stress reliever for me after a frustrating day at work or a bad baseball game. I just want to get online and either shoot fake terrorist or dominate some 16 year old acne ridden punk in Madden. Yeah I said it, it makes this almost old guy feel good to whoop up on teenagers in video games! This Black Ops game is expected to be the biggest release of the year. Its the follow up to Modern Warfare 2. Although it is produced by a different gaming developer, and their releases have been less than appealing in the past, I still plan on purchasing this game and giving it a run through the old xbox. I will play with my 40-something year old brother, which his addiction to this game is WAY more embarrassing than my addiction, and his police buddies. We will lose to the little youngins, we will beat them sometimes, but overall we will just escape into the virtual world for an hour or two a night to relax from a crazy day.

3. The City

When we went and saw Inception, which I swear I will eventually give my review for (Kinda want to see it again), there was an action packed trailer for a new flick coming out that had me all sorts of excited. Then I saw who is directing it and I got nervous. Ben Affleck is directing himself again in a heist movie, but then I remember that Affleck directed Gone Baby Gone, which is in my top 5 all time movies. So I am expected big things out of this movie. Maybe my expectations are going to be to high, but I don't care. The trailer showed a few plot twists already and everything I am hopes it isn't going to fall into the category of the "trailer showed all the good parts" type of film. Jeremy Renner is also in this movie and after his performance in "The Hurt Locker", I have a man crush on him. He is an outstanding up and coming actor. This movie is going to be SICK...... I hope!

4. Mavs Kickoff New Season

Yeah so what if I am letting my sports side jump on the screen again here at MH. The Dallas Mavs are my team in the NBA, and other than baseball, basketball is my game. I enjoy a good football game don't get me wrong but I would rather sit through 3 and a half hours of baseball or a basketball game ANYDAY. The critics say the Mavs got worse but standing still in free agency, but me I see it as just more time for what looked to the best team in the NBA for a month or so to gel in the off season. We shall see, either way, if they go 82-0 or 10-72, I am still going to watch and still cheer. So hurry up Basketball season

5. Texas Rangers Playoff Baseball

Do you know how long it has been since the Rangers have played playoff baseball? Do you know how long it has been since they won a series in the playoffs? Both answers are very depressing in my opinion... BUT the night that the Rangers dumped champagne on each other in honor of their divisional championship, the new owner Chuck "Baseball Jesus" Greenberg stated this: "This is what success looks like, and be ready to see this often Rangers fans". I am geeked up that the new owners are so in touch with their fanbase. It's Time! Rangers Baseball! Get Healthy Josh.