Let me first start by Introducing myself , I am not the Media Hero , I am Blake , I am a co-host of the Win Column with the Media Hero. The media hero and I are homeboy's . I felt the need to do some Media blogging and asked my boy MH if i could bring it to his readers and here i am.
I am am big fan of Survivor , I have been on it since its inception 10 years ago and have seen every episode. It is definately one of the reality shows that no matter what sucks me in...........
This season has been season 21 of the show and honestly for the most part has kinda sucked. It was pretty cool to see the Legendary Jimmy Johnson on there but he got booted early.
What it has had is Nayonka, she is a twenty something African American woman and ole Nay Nay is ( i promise im really not trying to be racist here) the epitome of a Stereotypical Loud Ass, annoying, abrasive , Im never wrong because the entire world is against me because im Black, Black women. She could be seen doing such things as Cussing People out , Pushing down a girl who has a prostetic leg, threatening to rip her leg off and hit her with it, stealing food and hiding it, stealing camp utensils and hiding them, You know stuff that really endures you to a group of people you have to sleep in a freaking tent with for 40 days. Honestly just being a complete rude bitch!
Well tonights episode opened up on Day 28 and it started with Nay and some other dumb blond girl saying they wanna quit. So they go to the reward challenge and Nayonka's team wins. Then Jeff Probst blasts Nayonka for wanting to quit , saying your 28 days in there are only 9 people left you have made over halfway , your stupid if you quit.( all true statements) Then he presents the reward winners with a dilema , one of them could stay back and miss the reward and the he would give everyone a tarp and a ten of rice(something they desperately needed due to a brush fire in a previous episode that caused damage to camp). Perfect Chance for Nayonka to once and for all prove she is a complete and total selfish bitch , take one for the team and go out on a high note if indeed she does leave. What does Nay do? Goes on the reward stuffs her face with food , lets someone else make the sacrifice and says something to the effect of " i was never gonna sacrifice , what do i care if they have a tarp or food Im leaving tonight". I mean really Can you be more selfish than that???
So we get to Tribal where Probst , Super Chef Bobby Flay and the Cubes confront the girls, really just Probst , what does Nayonka do???? Quits like the worthless waste of peice of trash she is. Here is a girl who says i dont care what anybody thinks of me and other crap like that. You made it 28 out of 39 days!!!!!!!! You had a 11 days , you were in a power position with an alliance you had a pretty good shot to have a chance at the money , ohh yeah i mean who needs a freaking MILIION BUCKS!!!!!!!! There has been many quitters on this show over the years , some because of family issues , or not wanting to be away from kids , physical injuries or issues . Nobody has quit on day 28! especially not a single young women. Nayonka you are dumbass and im so glad your gone but I wanted you to get voted out. The other Dumb Blond Bimbo quit to , but she was a waste of space also.
Nayonka can suck it!!!
Well I hope i did this blog proud and i appreciate my homeboy media hero giving me the forum.
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