Dexter's behaviors in this episode were abnormal and honestly more 'scary' than I have ever seen him. He, for the first time, feels guilt over a murder. Granted he still feels no real guilt over any murder he has committed but he feels responsible for the murder of Rita. He should have killed Trinity the first time he had the opportunity. The absence of Harry for most of the episode, truly gives Dexter a feeling of being all alone. The only time we see Harry is when Dexter takes out the Redneck in what could possibly the nastiest bathroom in America. That was quite possibly my favorite scene of the whole movie, seeing Dexter finally just let loose and get his aggression, anger and even a little remorse out on that dude's face was AWESOME. This may be strangely demented on my part but I hope that this is the picture of the Dark Passenger this season. Just out for blood on anyone that has done wrong.
Moving on to my prediction for the season, Quinn (who looks frighteningly like Matthew Perry during his drug run on friends) will die. He and Deb are striking up this awkward sexual relationship, all the while Quinn is out searching for clues to lead to Dexter. Yeah I have said it in a previous post I know but dude is dead. Plain and Simple. Dead. I think Aster and Cody are going to start to question Dex more than ever but in the long run the kids and Dexter will be closer than ever over the tragedy of Rita's death.
This season is going to be an interesting one, mainly because of the whole Kyle Butler twist in the plot. I am hoping that this isn't the end of our friend Dexter, but I have trouble figuring out how he can escape this ordeal. Eventually, Dexter will either be killed, caught, or eliminated on his own... but please let it be like 3 or 4 years from now....